UNIQUE AND CREATIVEThe Digi Monsters is founded by UK industry-leading games artists who understand, from first hand experience, exactly what it takes to deliver content and solutions to the highest level, on time and within budget.CONTACTCONTACT All 3D Animation Brand Characters Concept Motion VFX Visualisation Drop Dead VR 3D, Animation, Characters Haibu 3D, Animation, Characters Crayta Concepts 3D, Characters, Concept Blade Runner Heads 3D, Characters CG Vehicles 3D CG Weapons 3D CG Hair Characters Guitar Hero Live VFX GH2 Jellyfish Motion Sounding Sweet Motion CG Props 3D The Chinchibex Characters Gas Station Diorama 3D E-Mission Audio Brand Brand Skylanders Concept Guitar Reinvention Visualisation CLIENTS, STUDIOS & BRANDS